Prenatal Care

We work closely with obstetricians and perinatologists to coordinate care for your baby. When you make Clovis Pediatric Group a part of your prenatal care team, you’re proactively preparing to give your baby the very best care you can! 

Prenatal consultations at Clovis Pediatric Group

Come see us before you have your baby!

Schedule an appointment and we can discuss any concerns you have about your pregnancy.

If your baby is expected to be born premature, or if there are other potential complications with your pregnancy (such as preterm birth risk), you or your OB can schedule a prenatal consult with us.

If you get admitted to Clovis Community Medical Center, Dr. Siddique can also provide consultation and discuss any concerns you have while you’re in the hospital. Either way, we here to answer your questions.

Clovis Pediatric Group Clovis Community Medical Center Campus location

Need a Pediatrician?

Now is the best time to choose your pediatrician. You can even come meet us before you have your baby!

Did You Know?

  • 10% of all infants require some sort of help at birth.
  • 14.4% of all infants get admitted to a special care nursery where they receive more specialized care than the newborn nursery.
  • Babies admitted to special care nurseries are mostly cared for by neonatologists rather than pediatricians.

How many babies require special care nursery admission?

  • 90% of babies born before 34 weeks
  • 50% of babies born between 34-36 weeks
  • 1 in every 10 babies born between 37-38 weeks
  • 1 in every 13 babies born between 39-41 weeks
  • 13.6% of babies born 42 weeks+
*Statistics are from March of Dimes Perinatal Data Center, 2011 and NRP textbook.